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Prof. Dr. Heinrich Bülthoff

Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics

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WP6: PAV operational system concepts


The objective of this WP is to develop the concept of a Personal Aerial Vehicle and the supporting system. In addition, this WP will play a vital role in testing research advances on the Flying Helicopter Simulator.


The approach of this WP is to first produce a report of desirable design qualities for a commercially feasible PAV. After that, work will begin towards the goal of evaluating the research results of automation and HMI. Focusing on the handling of the vehicle, the research on human factors and training aspects with respect to the average person as well as the HMI will lead to simplified control and handling characteristics that also represent the necessary minimum level of control augmentation of a PAV. The in-flight testing will show the feasibility of the designed HMI, including the PAV handling characteristics, and will verify the minimum level of control augmentation needed for a future PAV.